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It wasn't so bad before, when there weren't so many to try to remember, and the same quest would show up again and again, but now there are SO many that not only is there a lot to remember, each one comes up less frequently, so there is less opportunity to actually learn it. Or at least change the filter to go by the epics' hidden elements rather than their habitat type. I know it's a little lazy, but I wish the quests for epic dragons would show their habitat affiliations instead of their hidden elements as "hints". I hope that helps.ġ2:39:53 GMT -6 nagini said:I don't know if there is a thread equivalent to "hey backflip" where we used to post our wishes, if there is, please move this post. However, my mom recently pointed out that if we get more 100 event currency bonuses, we’ll be able to buy more of the event dragons, so I’m partially switching my strategy. I need lots of dragons from this event, so I have been trying, unsuccessfully, to breed them using those caves as extra breeding spots. That way they get the most event currency. So, many people breed two of the same dragon together until they get it and switch to the next one. For each new type of egg you get, you get 100 event currency. You must choose them before the event ends, but you can wait until right before to see which ones are most important to you. I have used a total of 4 caves, so I will get to keep 4 eggs. It doesn’t matter which cave you bred it in, they share the same egg history. For each cave you used for breeding, you will be allowed to choose one egg to keep. The Burcadian caves allow you to earn more event currency. I bought it during the last event and have been so thankful to have it for this event.Ģ). You can also purchase it with a wish if you have wishes to spare and don’t have enough event currency for everything you want to buy.

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It makes events do much easier and less time-consuming. It allows you to remove color from certain aspects of your park so that when hunting Easter eggs and special visitors they are the only ones who have any color. 14:22:00 GMT -6 wapatango said:Two excellent questions, that we had to figure out too, with the help of asking questions.ġ) You ABSOLUTELY want the pantheon.

Unscramble flickery